Professional experiences

Engineer assistant (INTERNSHIP)

22 May 2023 - 31 August 2023 (3 months)

Eviden (previously named Atos), Echirolles, France

  • Internship in R&D under the supervision of Louis DEVEZE within the Computer Vision laboratory at Eviden, Echirolles. I integrated a team that builds an application based on Omniverse Kit, which is a SDK implemented by NVIDIA. The purpose of the application is to generate large synthetic datasets (based on 3D scenes) which will serve as train/test sets for AI models created by another team in the laboratory.
  • My goal for these 15 weeks was to integrate visual effects (fire and rain, especially) inside the application using NVIDIA Omniverse's ecosystem. This way, I got to discover many new concepts that came with this fairly recent platform which aims for creating both virtual and real-time workflows.
  • Overall, I intensively used the USD format which is at the center of Omniverse workflow as well as many extensions within the ecosystem, such as: Omnigraph (similar to Blueprints in Unreal Engine), Flow (fluid dynamics extension...), etc. In particular, I heavily relied on the Warp extension which contains python wrappers to CUDA/C++ context in Omniverse and allowed me to make a rain particle system from scratch in the application.
  • If you are interested in learning more about my work, here is my internship report I have written for school. It also contains a quick introduction to NVIDIA Omniverse (which can be daunting at first) and USD, as well as links.
  • Technologies used:

    Python • HLSL • OpenUSD • NVIDIA Omniverse (Omniverse Kit, Omniverse Code, Omniverse extensions...) • Computer graphics concepts (raytracing, transforms, quaternions, shading, particle systems in general etc...)

Engineer assistant (PART-TIME JOB)

22 September 2022 - 31 December 2022 (3 months)

Grenoble's Laboratory of Informatics, France

  • Research study under the supervision of Yann Laurillau, consisting of making a state-of-the-art of nudges in the digital domain which aim for reducing the environmental impact related to ICT (Information and Communication Technology).
  • I did this job under the supervision of Yann Laurilleau who taught me how to quickly find relevant information in the scientific literature (articles, papers) using various resources (ACM, Sci-lab, Research Gate, etc.)
  • Technologies used:

    Obsidian • Markdown


18 July 2022 - 8 August 2022 (3 weeks)

IKEA, Grenoble, France

  • This was my first professionnal experience as an employee in a company.
  • In addition of earning money, I decided to apply for this job to discover how people work in a field unrelated to engineering or science in general.
  • My main job was to handle all the clients' requets and it was overall a great experience as I gained in confidence in speaking and taking initiatives.


November 2021 - Mars 2022 (4 months)

La Prépa des INP, Saint-Martin-d'Hères, France

  • Dispense of courses related to mathematics, physics and chemistry to two first-year students of la Prépa in difficulties in these classes.
  • Each course was divided in several key moments. At the beginning, the students could ask questions about particular difficulties in their classes or in their work organisation.


May 2021 - June 2021 (6 weeks)

LDLC, Saint-Martin-d'Hères, France

  • Internship required for the end of my preparatory classes to discover jobs in the industry.
  • Computer set-ups (installation of Windows OS, assembly of the different components of the computer's architecture)
  • Handling of clients in the shop (cashing, online orders, click and collect...). Restocking (packages recetion, placement in the shop...).
  • Update of certains parts of the company's inventory.

Other type(s) of experience(s)

Young town councillor

2010 - 2012 (2 years)

Meylan's town hall, France

  • Two-year mandate in the intergenerational committee. Participation in seminars, meetings with Isère's deputy and Meylan's mayor.
  • Organization of events (concerts, meetings, installation of vegetable gardens) in nursing homes for the elderly.
  • Tour of the national assembly and the Sénat in Paris.